Simplifying Complex Fractions
Here is a method for simplifying complex fractions.
To Simplify a Complex Fraction
Step 1 Find the LCD of the fractions contained in the complex
Step 2 Multiply the numerator and denominator of the complex
fraction by the LCD.
Step 3 Simplify.
Solution |
![](./articles_imgs/1003/simpli37.gif) |
Step 1
Find the LCD of the fractions contained in the complex fraction. |
Factor x2 - 5x. |
![](./articles_imgs/1003/simpli38.gif) |
The LCD is x(x - 5). |
Step 2 Multiply the numerator and
denominator of the complex
fraction by the LCD. |
![](./articles_imgs/1003/simpli39.gif) |
Step 3 Simplify. |
Distribute x(x - 5) in the
denominator. |
![](./articles_imgs/1003/simpli40.gif) |
Cancel pairs of common factors
in the numerator and in the
=![](./articles_imgs/1003/simpli41.gif) |
Simplify. |
![](./articles_imgs/1003/simpli42.gif) |
So, the result is
We are multiplying both the
numerator and denominator by the
same number, x(x - 5). This means that we are multiplying
the complex fraction by 1 in the
. |