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My husband has been using the software since he went back to school a few months ago. Hes been out of college for over 10 years so he was very rusty with his math skills. A teacher friend of ours suggested the program since she uses it to teach her students fractions. Mike has been doing well in his two math classes. Thank you!
William Marks, OH
Although I have always been good at math, I use the Algebrator to make sure my algebra homework is correct. I find the software to be very user friendly. Im sure I will be using it when I start college in about one year.
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I cannot afford to pay separate tutoring hours for my twins, because there are so many different aspects of Algebra that they don't understand, but all has been taken care of; Algebrator does the job better than any tutors I had hired. Now I can dare to hope that my boys will get into a college.
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