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Ive been a high-school math teacher for over sixteen years and luckily, Ive had computers aiding me in the classroom since the Apple II. But nothing has ever gotten the results or helped my students understand as many advanced equations and concepts as Algebrator has! Thats why nowadays, I make sure every student system in the school (even the notebooks) are running it! If nothing else, it makes our jobs a lot easier!
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I love that it can be used in a step-by-step instructional way as well as a way to check student work.
Tommie Fjelstad, NE
As a single mom attending college, I found that I did not have much time for my daughter when I was struggling over my Algebra homework. I tried algebra help books, which only made me more confused. I considered a tutor, but they were just simply to expensive. The Algebrator software was far less expensive, and walked me through each problem step by step. Thank you for creating a great product.
Derek Brennan, IL
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